Snow. Blinding snow, whipping snow, raging snow. Snow slicing sideways though the air like a frozen, pulverized river. Snow so heavy it bends trees and amputates limbs. Snow that disorients then buries animals. Howling snow, screeching snow, wailing snow. Snow that blots out the sun. Show that fills in crevices and blankets lakes. Snow that freezes skin and calcifies fingers and toes. Snow that mummifies men. Drifts of snow, mounds of snow, mountains of snow. Biting snow, pounding snow, suffocating snow. Snow that blocks your advance and turns you back. Snow that falls for days and just keeps falling.
11/12/2017 06:20:55 am
Such beautiful use of words. Great
11/12/2017 03:37:56 pm
Excellent writing. I had to read it several times to get all the imagery it contains. So easy to slide over the next picture while contemplating the last.
Don Tassone
11/12/2017 04:06:34 pm
Thank you, Kathy! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Comments are closed.