Wondering whether cooler atmosphere over Europe played similar role, this time producing solid snow, he went out to ski on the empty streets, a rare opportunity!
Prof. Barry Gordon couldn’t believe the amount of snow fell overnight, especially in Edinburgh! He was skeptical of the conclusion of a recent scientific study. Last few years, storms over tropical Amazon grew widespread and violent. US scientists now analyzed collected recent years’ atmospheric data. They concluded that aerial-borne nano-sized aerosol particles from spraying human products from cosmopolitan areas had been concentrating more moisture droplets producing bigger droplets, thus creating violent and destructive rain-clouds. Wondering whether cooler atmosphere over Europe played similar role, this time producing solid snow, he went out to ski on the empty streets, a rare opportunity! We think "Professor Gordon" might have been bemused by this rare scene, captured in central Edinburgh in early March. In fact we know that it was due to a long period of cold air sweeping across the North Sea from Siberia. As usual, blame Russia.
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