Supreme Summer Of Love, Rotterdam 8pm
The house was secured and the band was loaded.
“Stand by Lights, Sound. Give The Boss her 10.”
“That means you, Keith—“ Mary Jo prompted. The Scot was nervous. This was his first time.
"Miss Ross, Nae, we maight joost naid to gait thais patty gaeing."
Everyone within earshot cringed and then braced.
“JESUS CHRIST, what did he say Mary?”
“He said, ‘Ten minutes Miss Ross!’”
“So why didn’t he say ‘Ten Minutes Miss Ross?”
“He did.”
“Raighto, shoorly.”
And thus ended the Production aspirations of a Scot who veered from protocol.
Quick Change Booth, Rotterdam 8.30pm
Miss Ross was in a flurry of spangles.
“ I can't work like this! I broke a nail! Where did they put my hair! Shit! Robin how many times do I have to tell you when I'm on stage and I call for my coffee -- I don't want a fricking cup of coffee. COGNAC! In a cup! “
“Cue The Boss, Lights pick-up stage left.”
“Keith!” Mary Jo whispered and nodded towards The Boss.
“Ahnd Excoose Mae, Miss Ross…Eh, Raight abooot Nae!” Keith sputtered.
“He said, ‘GO!’ Miss Ross.”
“So Why – “
And thus ended the Scot’s second chance.