A Weigh Of Life
(4th August 2014)
Alexy had a sweet tooth. In fact, he had two of them – right near the front where they almost seemed to twitch near anything saccharine.
Lots of kids enjoy sweets, but not many use their craving so positively. Every night, Alexy volunteered at the hospital. Doctors of metabolic disorders welcomed him. Few volunteers were so helpful.
His nightly arrival was taken for granted, until one alert doctor noticed that Alexy had become seriously overweight. He issued the youth a stern order:
“Alexy, you must lose weight. From now on, no more than a half-pint a night. And none from diabetics.”
(15th August 2014)
Alexy plodded through the dark, deserted streets. He had been banned from the hospital where had had spent so many happy nights as a volunteer, and he had been ordered to lose weight.
Now he was unhappy, and he was hungry. He even eyed a scrawny alley cat, which screeched and ran from him. But he shrunk from the thought of street food. It was disgusting; it couldn’t be clean. It was just the thought that repelled him -- not that bacteria, obesity, or much else could harm his health.
In the east, the sky began to lighten.
The Silver Lining
(22nd August 2014)
Alexy was hungry, unhappy and lonely. Expelled from the hospital where he once spent gratifying nights, he wandered aimlessly. Although he knew he wouldn’t starve, he couldn’t satisfy his gnawing hunger.
Darkened store windows reflected passing cars and the few pedestrians. While he could not catch his own image there, he knew his clothes were hanging loosely.
He looked young. But he remembered the old days, and the clothes he had worn. It was important, then, for a man to have a well-turned, not over-plump leg. A well-cut waistcoat could emphasize a slim waist.
The ladies had found him attractive, then.
(2nd September 2014)
Alexy was thrilled. He had a job -- counseling those in the early stages of being late. And it was not a volunteer position but a real job, with pay.
He was broke. While his needs had been small (no grocery or transportation costs) he now needed clothes to fit his no-longer-obese frame, and to meet with Ruth.
He was really excited about his first client. She was so attractive, so delectable. Her smooth white neck was so appealing.
No! He must not get personally involved with clients. That would be unprofessional.
But just one nibble . . .