But what to do with all these tales? Then a lightning bolt struck Ron. He set up a blog and posted every story for him and the Internet to view. This way, each piece was easy to find, and he might even attract new authors to the exercise. Writing would remain compelling, one way or another.
Ron gazed in wonder at the hundreds of stories he’d written over the years. Each was only 100 words long, but together, they Introduced a plethora of memorable topics and characters. Writing them had been fun, and reminiscing while rereading was entertaining as well.
But what to do with all these tales? Then a lightning bolt struck Ron. He set up a blog and posted every story for him and the Internet to view. This way, each piece was easy to find, and he might even attract new authors to the exercise. Writing would remain compelling, one way or another.
phyllis souza
30/10/2020 09:55:26 am
I like this! So true. phyllis
Sandra James
30/10/2020 10:07:01 am
What a wonderful idea! Do you have a link for the website?
Bobby Warner
30/10/2020 01:38:46 pm
Wow, Russell. Post all my 100-word stories again on the WWW? Sounds good--but an awful lot of work. It would be nice to know if folks would still read them, though. Like your idea, and story.
Sue Clayton
31/10/2020 01:39:35 am
Great idea. Or what about a book titled 100 tales in 100 words, with a picture to accompany each one. Bet your tale's got people's minds buzzing, Russell.
Mary Wallace
31/10/2020 05:16:20 am
Nothing like sharing your work around.
Paritosh Chandra Dugar
31/10/2020 11:20:59 am
Brilliant. A well crafted tale, Conover. How can I contact you? Could I have your email ID, please?
Susan F. Reid
1/11/2020 10:21:20 am
I'd try publishing a book too. I was thinking about that yesterday. Comments are closed.