Crisis? What crisis? We're the best prepared country in the world for any crisis... no country is as prepared for any crisis as we are... I should know, I'm the best person in the world at dealing with a crisis... people tell me all the time that I'm great in a crisis... I can perform miracles... no one has ever performed as many miracles... I hold the record for performing miracles... people talk about a guy a couple of thousand years ago but I beat his record... everyone knows I'm the best stone-roller in the world... I hold the record...
Gordon Lawrie
21/3/2020 12:01:17 am
I can't begin to understand what you might be referring to, Jim. I can assure you it's complete fiction.
Mary Wallace
21/3/2020 02:38:23 am
I think your 'fiction' Trumps everyday life. Are you certain it was George Wallace? It sounds very contemporary.
Gordon Lawrie
21/3/2020 01:41:51 pm
These days you can't be sure, Mary. No one seems to be able to provide definitive evidence that Trump did, although the right-wing half of the US social media machine is currently in full-scale denial mode... which to me sounds like "methinks they doth protest too much".
Diane Clark
31/3/2020 10:46:55 pm
I especially love the title -- The Broken Record. Truer words were never spoken. Must be fake news. Comments are closed.