The first order of business when arriving at the office is a hot cup of coffee — the fresh, earthy smell of roasted grounds greet my sleepy brain. Years past, often being the first one in, I'd pull out the filters, dump the Folgers, and brew an entire pot. Now, I stand in front of the Keurig, waiting for my single brew to finish. Decades before me, women were not only expected to make the coffee but to fix and hand-deliver to the men of the office. This morning, I stand here, coffee cup in hand, on their shoulders.
Jane Reid
28/9/2019 04:41:54 pm
This all rings so true. Things have changed -- but is it society, or is it technology ( the single-cup coffeemaker?
Deborah Valentin
28/9/2019 10:03:54 pm
1969. Just out of high school. Worked as a secretary for a major corporation. Part of our training was to learn how our bosses (all male) took their coffee so that we could not only make it for them, but serve them as well. Times have changed. Comments are closed.