Not much call for Heroes, so I bought this nice cart with all the bells and whistles. Now I sell hot dogs all day long. Hey, stop by anytime and I'll give you a foot-long Johnny's Super Hero Hot Dog Special for only two bucks.
Bastards penetrated our perimeter and killed five grunts. I got dysentery but not quite bad enough to send me home. The Commander called me a loser; but on our next recon mission I saved our squad from ambush and got a Purple Heart and a Silver Star, and then they sent me home, a Hero!
Not much call for Heroes, so I bought this nice cart with all the bells and whistles. Now I sell hot dogs all day long. Hey, stop by anytime and I'll give you a foot-long Johnny's Super Hero Hot Dog Special for only two bucks.
Don Tassone
24/8/2017 03:37:06 am
Poignant. Well done. Comments are closed.