My cough asserts its presence by acquiring a chorus of bass notes. My ailment creates a division of sleeping arrangements. As I settle into my heightened pillows, I hear an echo from the flat below. I suspect it is an imitation designed to illustrate how easily sound travels in cheaply converted Victorian buildings. But I have perfected an ear for an authentic cough and the neighbour's version is textured with the same glutteral chords as mine. Perhaps the floors are membrane-like thin and capable of permeating microbes in mutual directions? The night is a chamber of shared and reciprocated notes.
13/4/2016 10:17:18 am
Love it.
13/4/2016 03:40:01 pm
Thanks, Gran!
Gordon Lawrie
16/4/2016 07:43:19 pm
OK, Gran, now it's your turn to write a story!
Gordon Lawrie
16/4/2016 07:43:41 pm
OK, Gran, now it's your turn to write a story! Comments are closed.