The Lurkers
Their silence was deafening, their invisible presence demanding, but there was no way to discover what they wanted, what they intended. The Others huddled together, tried to go about their lives as if there were no one watching, no one listening, no one reading over their shoulders, but they all could tell …
Sometimes they whispered about what to do. Put up a wall? Invite them in? Send an emissary to make furtive contact? All plans were thwarted because no one knew how to reach the lurkers.
And then a shimmering electric tendril of words snaked into the community …
As so often happens, it inspired a further story from Jane Reid:-
Do you get that feeling of being watched? Do silent presences tug at your consciousness?
It may not be your imagination. Research shows that four out of five people with such feelings suffer from lurkophobia. And it’s even worse for writers, who are caught between twin fears: Someone is reading their work. Or no one is reading their work.
Now the scientifically proven Lurk-A-Lert both sounds an alarm and profiles the lurker so you may decide whether to ignore the lurker as harmless, call police, or contact him/her for a date.
Just $39.95 in three easy installments . . .