We were in love once and then that came to a sudden halt. Why? You never said. Your love for me just vanished. And then you vanished. Of course, it wasn't voluntary. I took care of that. I saw your disbelief and then your fear. And now I live with the horror of your scream.
The depth of my heart, cavernous, cold, and soulless, offers me only my past. Its drumming is a constant reminder of that moment. How can I have a future when I cannot stop embracing yesterday and not a happy day at that.
We were in love once and then that came to a sudden halt. Why? You never said. Your love for me just vanished. And then you vanished. Of course, it wasn't voluntary. I took care of that. I saw your disbelief and then your fear. And now I live with the horror of your scream.
phyllis souza
23/10/2020 04:19:58 am
Nothing better than a good twist in the end. Nice job! Phyllis Souza
Sue Clayton
23/10/2020 05:22:24 am
Another great slice of an FFF murder.
Swapan k Banerjee
23/10/2020 08:27:51 am
The word cavernous reminds one of Coleridge, Pamela. As they say, heart has its reasons that reason doesn't know of!
Sivan Pillai
23/10/2020 02:35:05 pm
Noti like the fury generated by unrequitted love. Nice story, Pamela.
marjan sierhuis
23/10/2020 05:39:05 pm
Well done, Pamela.
Paritosh Chandra Dugar
23/10/2020 07:50:18 pm
Pamela, your sentences tend to be epigrammatic. That adds great charm to your stories. This one is a great example. Very well done.
23/10/2020 09:22:24 pm
Excellent portrayal of emotional betrayal. Beautiful prose, Pamela.
Pamela Kennedy
24/10/2020 01:02:15 am
Thank you everyone for reading my story. I am glad you like it. Enjoy your coming week!
Peggy Gerber
24/10/2020 02:43:11 am
Never underestimate a woman scorned.
Bobby Warner
24/10/2020 02:57:26 am
Chilling last line.
Pamela Kennedy
24/10/2020 12:36:15 pm
Thank you, Peggy and Bobby, for taking the time to read my story. Have a good week! Comments are closed.