“Oh wise one, I need help with my writing career – what dost thou advice?”
“My child, indeed thou hast taken much advantage of the 100-word story exercise. It is now time to move onto the next level. Ist thou ready?”
“Master Lawrie, I have looked within my soul and I am.”
“Student Emma, it is now time to step up to the 140-character challenge. You must abandon fear and embrace the Twitterati.”
“Master Lawrie, I am filled with fear but I shall doest what thou says. Soon. Can I stop with the thou's now? It feels a bit peculiar...”
Gordon Lawrie added part two on the same day:-
Student Emma gazed in amazement at the sight before her. @masterlawrie sat cross-legged and with folded arms, but hovering eighteen inches above floor level. His eyes were closed, his expression calm.
“@master, teach me, what is this great thing that you do?
@masterlawrie intoned, “It is the first great Twitter skill you must learn. I am #trending, and you must learn to #trend, also.”
“But how shall I ever learn to hover?” Emma wailed.
“Hovering is the second great skill, @Emma. #Trending is #learningtocrossourlegs first. Fat, stiff old people like me find that the hardest bit.”