Gradually I became aware of a most beautiful creature before me, like a bit of perfectly-formed lace. She gazed at me. ”You’re beautiful.” Newly born we were, yet our destiny sang within us. ”Shall we dance?” Slowly, lightly, we began our descent, circling, dancing, floating, among millions of our newborn kin.
Tingling – the first sensation I ever remember feeling. It spread from outer points inward, strengthened, increased, and . . . I came into being. At first I felt no body, no substance. Just effervescence. Then slowly, gently I felt myself coalesce as air around me continued cooling deliciously.
Gradually I became aware of a most beautiful creature before me, like a bit of perfectly-formed lace. She gazed at me. ”You’re beautiful.” Newly born we were, yet our destiny sang within us. ”Shall we dance?” Slowly, lightly, we began our descent, circling, dancing, floating, among millions of our newborn kin. Comments are closed.