There are whispers that a vaccine is just over the horizon. We roll up our sleeves. We take a deep breath. We are ready.
The Coronavirus rears its ugly head while it takes hostages along the way. A plethora of information dominates the airwaves and invades our thought processes. We hunger for words of reassurance and encouragement though mentally exhausted.
There are whispers that a vaccine is just over the horizon. We roll up our sleeves. We take a deep breath. We are ready.
Marjan Sierhuis
5/6/2020 04:48:23 pm
Thank you, Jim for your thoughts on the matter.
5/6/2020 05:15:03 pm
We most certainly are “ready”, Marjan. Thank you for your fine words of hope.
Marjan Sierhuis
5/6/2020 06:50:59 pm
Thank you, Krystyna for taking the time to read. Stay well. We will all get through this.
Sue Clayton
6/6/2020 02:42:03 am
Let's hope when the vaccine whisper turns to a roar it is heard around the globe and not just by the nation that discovers it. Nicely written Marjan.
Marjan Sierhuis
6/6/2020 10:23:50 am
I agree, Sue. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Comments are closed.