When the elevator abruptly stopped between floors, there were seven riding, a small village. Within a moment, there was a murmuring from one in the hushed silence. Jeffrey noted the bright blue button on the murmurer's coat sleeve. Just be calm he wanted to advise, it's just a moment in time. The murmurer groaned and then gave a muffled shout. Someone should say something, thought Jeffrey. But nothing. As abruptly, the elevator moved and the door opened at the seventh floor. Six huddled closely in one corner as Jeffrey, fondling the bright blue button on his coat sleeve, departed.
Kim Favors
9/11/2019 06:47:45 pm
Chilling was my initial reaction. As I keep rereading this, my imagination takes me different places. Well done.
Kathy Mertens
17/11/2019 12:44:41 pm
Bravo David! Comments are closed.