Citizens anxiously wait whether the boogeyman will now write a tell-all book to spill the beans on his “stable genius” boss and henchmen. Or, will he remain silent being a part of same cronyism?
Where do you stand my readers?
Friday Flash Fiction |
The propaganda megaphone stormed into strongman’s office, demanding “Why are you hiring a new boss for me?” He alone had been covering misdeeds of the dictator and his family for past four years. But the strongman now blamed him for an investigative report how a sworn enemy paid the rebels in a foreign land to kill this nation’s patriotic soldiers.
Citizens anxiously wait whether the boogeyman will now write a tell-all book to spill the beans on his “stable genius” boss and henchmen. Or, will he remain silent being a part of same cronyism? Where do you stand my readers?
Sue Clayton
16/8/2020 03:05:00 am
The book of truth would be a best-seller but the "stable genius" would no doubt call it nasty, horrible, "fake fiction". Comments are closed.