“@@$$%%%!!£%(*&**” she cried. “?^&&^&&^&”
Her co-pilot Malwog did as directed, adding, “˚¬^ø•¶!”
Realising they would now be stranded on the Moon instead of Earth for ever, Rawgug’s military training kicked in. First, they had to colonise the Moon by breeding, which meant some loving words for Malwog.
“&*&*$$$^^≥≥≥÷÷√√√∂ƒß†® ¨¥ ¥¥¨ø¥•¶∞¢#€ åß∂´ƒ˙¬^!!!”
Martian sex works quickly, and in no time there were forty-five of them. Step two required a Martian joke.
“)(%*¥√¨ˆ ÏÊÁˆˆÎÓÔ˜˚˚√ç¨∆!” said Rawgug, loudly.
Malwog died laughing, literally; colonisation was complete.